Baraque Fraiture – Lancaster X KB778 NA-Y 428 Squadron

Baraque Fraiture – Lancaster X KB778 NA-Y 428 Squadron

Mission: Chemnitz

Date : 5-6 March 1945

Crash: In woods near Baraque Fraiture

F/O W Mytruck RCAF Slightly injured (20 sorties)

Sgt CR Hazelby KIA


F/O DA Wade RCAF KIA , died on the way to hospital

P/O EJ Snell RCAF safe

F/S TJ Chevrier RCAF safe

F/S EL Schofield RCAF safe

F/O WR Ashdown :Plane crashed evidently due to heavy icing conditions, landing in trees at approximately 23.55hrs on 5.3.45 1 mile north of Baraque Fraiture, Belgium. Blood from mouth, unconscious. Transfered from crash to Hospital, but pronounced dead on arrival approx. 01.00 hrs 6.3.45 ( Internal injuries resulting from air crash, 97th Evacuation Hospital.

Returning from the target on the 5th March, 1945, we ran into icing conditions. because of the ice we were unable to climb and we crashed into the Ardennes mountains. we were in the middle of a snowstorn, and the navigator asked the captain to climb as we were over high ground. The aircraft would not gain height, and next thing we crashed. It was very dark. Signed R.J. Snell, P/O